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PATRIOTIC Front (PF) youths in Southern Prov- ince have paid tribute to President Edgar Lungu for exhibiting maturity and conceding defeat in the just ended general elections.
PF Provincial Informa- tion and Publicly Youth Secretary, Paul Silungwe, observed that the out- going head of state has proved that he believes in democracy and respects the rule of law.
Mr Silungwe thanked Mr Lungu for guiding the former ruling party and the nation in the last six years.
“As youths in South- ern Province, we would like to thank our humble president Mr Edgar Cha- gwa Lungu who is the president of the Patriotic Front for his leadership and his statement con- cerning the just ended general elections which we have lost as a party “Mr Lungu has showed
Zambians and our neigh- boring countries that he believes and respects the will of the people, de- mocracy and rule of law. He has showed that we need peace in our coun- try..
“In the coming elec- tions in 2026, those who will participate must learn from our humble leader by accepting the outcome of the results without putting the lives of innocent people at risk by refusing to concede defeat,” Mr Silungwe said.
He said that Zambia is known for peace and uni- ty and that that should be maintained at cost.
“I also want to urge my fellow political party members to accept the outcome of the general elections and move on. It might be painful and we have to soldier on and plan for the next elections.
We need to remain united and protect the party. Let us not lose hope,” he said.


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