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Illegal abortions rampant in Chief Choongo’s chiefdom 


CHOONGO Chiefdom of Monze has been rated as one of the areas in which older women have reportedly engaged in conducting illegal abortions on young girls.

The acts have irked Monze District Administrative Officer Gorretti Bbalo who has appealed to the traditional leadership to help end the illegal acts before many young lives are lost.

Recently, in Monze, Ms Bbalo cited Choongo Chiefdom as one of the areas in the district where illegal abortion was rampant.

In view of this trend, Chief Choongo has warned of stern action against women or anyone involved in illegal abortions in his chiefdom. 

The traditional leader has described the situation as unfortunate because women who give life are the same ones involved in the acts.

He said that life from conception is sacred and no one has the right to take it away except the creator and only if health personnel see it as a danger to the pregnant woman.

The traditional leader has charged that he will personally ensure that the issue is well investigated and whoever will be found wanting will face the wrath of the law as they are destroying the lives of young girls.


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