DevelopmentalEconomyHeadline News

Commuters protest toll fees increment


The proposed increment of Toll Fees by the Ministry of Finance may ignite an increase in bus and taxi fares on long routes if effected, the Commuter Association of Zambia has warned.

Commuter association chairperson, Aaron Kamuti said warned government against an increment in toll fees because it lead to increament of transport.

“The planned increament of toll fess may affect everything because the taxis and buses may increase fares thereby impacting consumers,” Mr Kamuti said.

He has called on government for more consultations with stakeholders before hiking fees of important services.

He at the moment there was no justification to hike the toll fees as the roads where such toll gates are housed were still in bad shape when the money raised should have been ploughed back.

The Ministry of Finance through Permanent Secretary Mukuli Chikuba last week proposed for the review of the National Road Fund Agency Act and increase in toll fees for small vehicles from K20 to K40.


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