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Strike cheap fuel deals with Russia – LM

THE UPND should government should consider striking cheap fuel deals with Russia like big economies such as China and India are doing, says the Leadership Movement (LM).

LM national coordinator Jairos Ngoma says this is the way the UPND government should go but is under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bondage and cannot do anything without the latter’s approval even when it comes to employing civil servants.

Speaking on Metro FM Radio, Mr. Ngoma said the current government does seem to know Zambia’s worth and is just getting loans for consumption instead of production. He said this has made Zambia to be always on the receiving end and subjecting her people to perpetual suffering.

 He said the LM is not character assassinating the government but attacking its poor policies which are subjecting Zambians to suffering.

Mr. Ngoma said the LM is happy that many UPND praise singers are now believing what his party said that under the current government uneducated people will suffer because its policies have shown that it has no heart for Zambians.

 He said the LM wants both educated and uneducated Zambians to take charge of their economy because even the mines the new dawn administration is bringing are not state driven but foreign driven by colonial masters and calculated at continuing to loot Zambia’s resources.

On the power deficit, Mr. Ngoma said the government should consider going the nuclear way using locally mined uranium because it not know about the problem now but in the meantime should find immediate remedies like diesel power generators which can even be run by individuals to cushion the impact of load shedding on small businesses.

 He said it is sad that the UPND is now quiet on the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia, which is a sleeping giant that can provide affordable fertiliser to farmers.

 “The UPND were crybabies in opposition and they have forgotten that they are now ruling and they can’t be pointing accusing fingers at the PF. The sad part is that this has become a tumour which grown to all praise singers who cannot accept where this government has messed up.

“They are the same people who knew that the previous regime had certain challenges and they offered themselves to give solutions.”


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