Local News

Govt to intensify domestic tourism promotion

Minister of Tourism Rodney Sikumba says Government will vigorously promote different tourism products tailored to promote domestic tourism.

Mr Sikumba said domestic tourism had various pricings depending on the needs of the consumers.

He however, stressed that Government would do more in promoting domestic tourism to make the public aware of the various services.

Meanwhile, Mr Sikumba is confident that Zambia was in a perfect position to attain 1.5 million international tourist arrivals this year.

Mr Sikumba said Government had put in place measures to reach the target.

He was speaking in Lusaka when he visited the Wildlife Discovery Centre at the Lusaka National Park.

And Game Rangers International (GRI) research assistant who is also Support Manager, Mary Muyoyeta urged citizens to visit the Lusaka National Park.

Ms Muyoyeta, who is also GRI, support manager,   said it was rare the world over, for such a facility to be in the heart of a capital city.-ZANIS


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