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Kafue Council suspension lifted


MINISTER of Local Government and Rural Development Gary Nkombo has with immediate ef-fect lifted up the suspension on Kafue Town Council after three months.

Mr Nkombo said Kafue Town Council’s operation were suspended following allegations of ille-galities and disorderly allocation of land at the council.

“Last year I suspended the operations of Kafue town council on November, 04, 2022 through stat-utory instrument no. 71 of 2022. Further and I appointed Mr. Abel Siwakwi a public officer as lo-cal government administrator to oversee the operations of the local authority,” said Mr Nkombo.

He said preliminary investigations pointed to numerous irregularities in land administration among which were double allocation of plots and lack of transparency in land administration as guided by law in the issuance of plots. Mr Nkombo said allocation of land without following procedure, use of unauthorized person to do lay out plans, lack of database for land under the jurisdiction of the local authority.

He said is ministry is   undertaking measures to ensure that all the above irregularities are ad-dressed as soon as possible.

“Some of the measures will include ensuring close collaboration between the Kafue town council and the ministry of lands and natural resources to harmonize the issuance of plots to the citizens, further, the ministry of local government service commission will take appropriate measures of any member of staff who will be found wanting in the irregular issuance of plots in Kafue, therefore the suspension has since lifted for Kafue town council with immediate effect,” he said.

He warned of stern action against anyone would be found wanting and that the council will not hesitate to prosecute any illegalities and penalize anyone.


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