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Mpombo blasts Ndola City Council over plans to privatise Masala cemetery


CEMETERIES are consecrated and sacred final resting places for humanity and should not be vandalised by municipalities for personal profit motives under the guise of constructing modern infrastructures, such as bus stations, George Mpombo has said.

Dr Mpombo has strongly objected to the intention by Ndola City Council disacrete the Old Masala Mine Cemetery and has described the plans as egregious and morally repugnant.

Dr Mpombo said it was shocking that the City Council had decided to defile the final resting places of humans, all in the interest of financial gains.

He said the councillors had done so much irreparable damage to the prosperity of the city and UPND government should immediately step in to stop the lawlessness.

He said failure by Government to stop this roller coaster of irrationality would be politically catastrophic as cemeteries remain sensitive among Zambians.

“Ndola City Council councillors over the years have had important social ventures like Ndola City Council swimming pool, which ended up in the hands of councillors as personal business ventures. Where is Ndola Mountain Fountain Park? It was destroyed in a similar stealthy way,” Dr Mpombo said.

Dr Mpombo said what people of Ndola wanted to see were innovative and clear sighted plans to rehabilitate the cemeteries.

He said non governmental organisations (NGO’s) needed to take up this challenge this was a moral issue which clearly falls under their umbrella.


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