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Democracy Summit to champion LGBTQ agenda – Mpombo 


THE forthcoming Democracy conference that would be hosted by Zambia is just a forum that shall be used to push the Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) agenda, former cabinet minister George Mpombo has said.

Dr Mpombo said that the Democracy Summit was just a façade as the real agenda was that the countries hosting the event were trying to push the LGBTQ agenda which USA had always wanted to push.

He said it was unfortunate that countries like the US were trying to impose the despicable and abominable norms and values that were foreign to Zambians.

Dr Mpombo said it was unfortunate that Zambia was hosting such a summit when most of the opposition leaders were being politically arrested and victimized for exercising their rights.

“It is wrong for government to be hosting this event when they were infringing on people’s human rights. While the Democracy Summit will be going on, Zambians and opposition political leaders will be getting either arrested or harassed for one petty reason or the other. While the summit will be going on, Zambians will be having their human rights abused” Dr Mpombo said.

He said that the government was playing double standards as they were preaching democracy but were actually brutal when dealing with opposition leaders.


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