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Chilanga Cement, Chilanga Primary School partner to beat plastic pollution 


CHILANGA Cement has demonstrated its commitment to addressing environmental and climate change issues by reducing its energy consumption, carbon dioxide emission, and water management.  

Chilanaga Cement chief executive officer Jianping Chai in a speech read for him by Ms. Ma Yuqui said the company through the Eco Unite department ensures the provision of sustainable solutions to waste management problems.

He said the firm partnered with Chilanga Primary School and embarked on a journey to beat plastic pollution through a waste awareness campaign that saw pupils at the school clean the schools and set aside plastic waste for use at the cement factory.

Mr Jianping said this at an award-giving ceremony that was held to celebrate the success of the plastic campaign, a joint initiative between the company which was launched on June 28, 2023. 

He said the initiative was run successfully with the pupils taking part with great commitment, children were the world’s most valuable assets and best hope for the future which was why the initiative targeted investing in the mindset change that would impact decision-making. 

Mr. Jianping said plastic pollution was a pressing issue that threatens the environment and jeopardizes the future of the planet.

And Chilanga council chairperson, Champion Tembo said he was happy that through the Chilanga Primary School plastic collection, a portion of plastic waste generated within the district has been collected and disposed of in the Chilanga Cement kiln.

Mr. Tembo called on Chilanga Cement to extend the campaign to other schools because it helps sustain the environment.

Meanwhile speaking on behalf of the ECO Unit, Bwalya Ndhlovu announced that Chilanga Primary School collected 700 kilograms of plastic waste which was meant to be a nuisance to the community and the climate which was co-processed in an environmentally friendly manner.

The ceremony was held to recognize and reward the outstanding contribution made during the plastic campaign where different classes walked away with various prizes.  


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