

assessing the impact of the private public dialogue forum in zambia and lessons from similar initiatives

assessing the impact of the private public dialogue forum in zambia and lessons from similar initiatives

BY BERNADETTE DEKA-ZULU (PhD Researcher-Public Enterprise)

AS a researcher delving into the significance of the Private Public Dialogue Forum (PPDF) in Zambia, it is crucial to explore its impact on economic growth and development. This article not only emphasises the positive outcomes of the PPD forum but also provides a comparative analysis with similar forums in other countries within the region and globally. 

By examining the experiences of these forums, we can assess the effectiveness of the PPD forum and highlight its importance in shaping the country’s economic landscape.

The PPD Forum: Fostering economic growth Zambia’s PPD forum, established in 2022, acts as a catalyst for economic growth by fostering cooperation between the government and the private sector. The primary objective is to promote public-private partnerships that drive investment, job creation, and overall economic development. 

The PPD forum provides a dedicated platform for dialogue and cooperation, allowing the government and private sector to align their interests, exchange ideas, and collectively address challenges. Similar forums in other countries have demonstrated their potential to spur economic growth, making it imperative to examine their outcomes and draw valuable insights for the PPD forum in Zambia.

Comparative Analysis: Regional and global perspectives

1. Regional Perspective: East African Community (EAC)

The East African Community (EAC) provides a compelling regional comparison for the PPD forum in Zambia. The EAC has successfully implemented the East African Business Council (EABC), a platform that brings together public and private stakeholders to advance regional economic integration. 

The EABC has facilitated harmonised policies, improved business environments, and boosted intra-regional trade, leading to increased investment and economic growth. 

By examining the experiences of the EABC, the PPD forum in Zambia can learn from successful regional collaborations and leverage regional cooperation to further its economic objectives. This includes sharing best practices, harmonising regulations, and promoting cross-border investments within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

2. Global Perspective: The World Economic Forum (WEF)

On a global scale, the World Economic Forum (WEF) serves as an influential platform for public-private dialogue. The WEF engages stakeholders from various sectors, including governments, businesses, civil society, and academia, to address critical economic and societal challenges. 

Through its annual meetings and initiatives, the WEF has played a pivotal role in shaping global economic agendas, fostering innovation, and facilitating international collaboration. 

The WEF’s model of multi-stakeholder engagement, involving not only the government and private sector but also civil society and academia, provides valuable insights for the PPD forum in Zambia. By adopting a similar approach, the PPD forum can enhance its own effectiveness, build strong partnerships, and drive sustainable economic growth.

Importance of the PPD Forum in Zambia

1. Improving the Investment Climate

The PPD forum is instrumental in enhancing the investment climate in Zambia. By engaging government officials and business leaders, the forum identifies, and addresses obstacles faced by businesses. Through collaborative efforts, it aims to create an enabling environment that attracts local and foreign investments. Best practices from other forums, such as the Investment Climate Advisory Services (ICAS) provided by the World Bank Group, can offer valuable insights for the PPD forum. By implementing regulatory reforms, streamlining administrative processes, and fostering transparency, the PPD forum can create a favourable investment climate that encourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and long-term economic  growth.

2. Promoting gender equality in the Private Sector

The inclusion of women in economic development is a crucial  aspect of sustainable growth. The PPD forum provides a platform to empower women entrepreneurs, ensuring their active participation in shaping Zambia’s private sector. By drawing inspiration from successful gender-focused initiatives globally, such as the SheTrades initiative by the International Trade Centre, the PPD forum can contribute to reducing gender disparities and fostering an inclusive economy. This includes promoting access to finance and business development opportunities for women, providing capacity-building programs, and encouraging gender-responsive policies within the private sector.

3. Ensuring sustainable Development

Environmental sustainability is a pressing global concern, and the PPD forum in Zambia can play a vital role in addressing it. By bringing together businesses and government officials, the forum can identify and mitigate environmental challenges, ensuring that economic growth is environmentally sustainable. Learning from other countries’ experiences, such as Norway’s Green Industry Innovation Forum, the PPD forum can promote sustainable practices, resource efficiency, and green technologies. This includes developing and implementing environmental regulations, fostering green investments, and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Advantages and challenges strengths for success Several advantages position the PPD forum for success:

1. Strong support from the Zambian government: The government’s commitment to the PPD forum is crucial for its effectiveness and implementation of policies that facilitate economic growth.

2. Participation of diverse stakeholders: The involvement of businesses, government officials, civil society organisations, and academia ensures a holistic approach to addressing economic challenges and creating an inclusive platform for dialogue.

3. Focus on delivering tangible results: The PPD forum’s emphasis on achieving measurable outcomes and driving real impact sets it apart as a forum dedicated to action and results.

Addressing Key Challenges While the PPD forum shows promise, it must also overcome certain challenges:

1. Enhancing women’s participation in the forum: Efforts should be made to ensure that women have equal representation and opportunities for engagement within the PPD forum. This can be achieved through targeted outreach, capacity-building programs, and inclusive decision-making processes.

2. Tailoring initiatives to meet the specific needs of small and medium-sized businesses: The PPD forum should pay special attention to the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are often the backbone of the economy. Tailored programmes and policies that address their unique needs, such as access to finance, market opportunities, and skills development, will contribute to their growth and success.

3. Developing a well-defined plan to achieve its ambitious goals: The PPD forum should develop a comprehensive roadmap that outlines specific strategies, targets, and timelines to achieve its economic growth objectives. This plan should consider key sectors, prioritise actionable steps, and ensure effective implementation through collaboration and monitoring mechanisms.


In conclusion, the PPD forum in Zambia holds significant promise for driving economic growth and development. Drawing from the experiences of similar forums regionally and globally, we can gain insights into effective strategies and approaches. 

By harnessing regional cooperation and adopting a multi-stakeholder engagement model, the PPD forum can amplify its impact and contribute to the country’s economic transformation. Through its efforts to improve the investment climate, promote gender equality, and ensure sustainable development, the forum stands as a crucial mechanism for shaping the economic landscape in the years to come. 

By continuously learning from global best practices, addressing key challenges, and implementing targeted initiatives, the PPD forum can unlock the full potential of public-private partnerships and pave the way for a prosperous and inclusive future for the nation.



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