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IDC wants judgment against Simon Mwewa


The International Drug Company Limited has asked the Lusaka High Court to enter interlocutory judgement in default of appearance and defence against social media blogger, Simon Mwewa, for defamation of character.

Mr Mwewa accused the company of being involved in the alleged illegal Asian-Zambia pharmaceutical cartel.

The company is claiming damages for libel contained in a live online live blog known as SMLTV entitled “The truth about Asian-Zambia Pharmaceutical Cartel” published by Mr Mwewa

It also wants damages for malicious falsehood, loss of business and reputational damage and injury to the business.

The Company has now filed an affidavit in support of exparte summons for leave to enter interlocutory judgement in default of appearance and defence against the defendant.

Mr Tennyson Msimuko of Andrew and Partners stated that the matter was commenced on June 27, 2023, and Mr Mwewa was served with the documents the next day. 

“That 14 days prescribed on the writ of summons to file an appearance and defence elapsed and the defendant has neither filed a defence nor caused an appearance to be entered in this matter. That I verily believe that the defendant has no valid defence to the claim herein,” he said. 

The plaintiff wants an unreserved apology, retraction and withdrawal of mentioned false, malicious and defamatory statements published on various dates from Mr Mwewa.


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