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THE House of Chiefs Chairperson Chief Chisunka said the disturbing violent clashes unfolding between the Congo and Chipepo communities of Southern Province and the Lunda and Luvale communities of Zambezi in the North- Western Province was saddening. 

He has called on the Provincial Council of Chiefs and the Department of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs in the affected provinces to convene a meeting urgently.

Chief Chisunka said the meeting should be a platform for resolving all outstanding disputes, once and for all.

“I am also encouraged by the statement from the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development on the government’s commitment to putting an end to this violence and finding a peaceful resolution,” he said.

Chief Chisunka has urged all the royal highnesses and other tribal leaders from the affected tribes to be custodians of tradition, peace and harmony.

He said the traditional leaders must guide and advise the nation, political parties, and every group of people on how to coexist in peace as brothers and sisters.

Chief Chisunka said it was important that “we urgently work together to find a peaceful and sustainable resolution to these tribal conflicts, thereby seeing a positive example for all.”

He said the House of Chiefs stands firmly in support of any efforts that promote peace and coexistence. 

“We eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes from the meeting between the concerned tribes and other stakeholders, as this presents a significant opportunity to reach a lasting solution, let us not permit our nation to descend into the chaos that has afflicted other countries. We have only one Zambia, and it is our collective responsibility to safeguard its peacefulness and unity,” he said.



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