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Study intellectual property law, Judges tipped

DEPUTY Chief Justice, Michael Musonda, has challenged Judges to acquire knowledge on intellectual property law to ensure they are adequately equipped to resolve disputes relating to intellectual property.

Justice Musonda said foreign investors would be attracted to inject their capital in Zambia if they are assured of intellectual property rights being respected.

He was speaking at the opening of the Judges training workshop on intellectual property organised by Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA), yesterday in Lusaka.

Justice Musonda said Judges were operating in a fluid environment which was constantly changing, thus, it was inevitable that they are always in touch with the happenings.

He commended PACRA for facilitating the training which was not only timely and also greatly beneficial to the Judges.

PACRA Chief Executive Officer, Benson Mpalo, said among the objectives of the training was to create awareness of the different areas of intellectual property law.

“One of the objectives of the National Intellectual Property Policy of 2020 is to ensure that intellectual property rights are respected and effectively enforced. 

This is to be achieved through, inter alia, developing training programmes for the Judiciary and law enforcement agencies,” Mr Mpalo said.


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