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HRC castigates LCC for grabbing wheel chair from disabled vendor


THE Human Rights Commission (HRC) has condemns the Lusaka City Council for confiscating a wheel chair from a person with disability in Lusaka as punishment for engaging in street vending

HRC Spokesperson Mweelwa Muleya confiscating a wheel Chair from a person with disability as punishment for engaging in street vending was  cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and calls for immediate restoration of his rights.

Mr Muleya said HRC received the report of the confiscation of a wheel chair from Mr. Daniel Mwamba, a person with disability, who was found selling plastic papers in Lusaka as punishment for engaging in street vending, with utmost shock.

He said HCR Calls for the immediate stop to the continued violation of a wide range of Mr. Mwamba’s rights, including the right to independent living, by returning his wheel chair.

Mr Muleya said it regrettable that LCC is calling upon the victim to go to their offices to resolve the matter when they have incapacitated him by confiscating his means of mobility.

He said said in addition to being an affront to his dignity, the Commission considers the confiscation of the wheel chair from Mr. Mwamba by the LCC to be disproportionate to the alleged offence committed.

“It must be appreciated that the use of a wheel chair by any person with disability is part of that person’s body integrity and self-respect, Therefore, the confiscation of the wheel chair by LCC amounted to subjecting Mr. Mwamba to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which is absolutely prohibited under international human rights law and Article 15 of the Constitution of Zambia,” he said.

Mr Muleya has called for immediate remedial measures, which should include immediate restoration of his rights and dignity and possibly empowering  Mr. Mwamba by securing a trading place for him within the Central Business District as an act of humanity and minimise the trauma caused on him.

He also called on all law enforcement agencies to always consider the inherent dignity and worth of human beings and ensure that law enforcement is proportionate, lawful, reasonable and justifiable in democratic society such as Zambia.


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