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Govt accelerates efforts to promote gender equality in education sector


THE Ministry of Education Chief Curriculum Specialist, Mr Jack Chishala, says government has accelerated efforts in promoting gender equality in the education sector and combating school related gender based violence.

Speaking during a panel discussion to mark the launch of UNESCO in Action for Gender Equality 2022-2023 report, on the sidelines of the 42nd Session of the general conference of UNESCO, Mr Chishala said government has developed a curriculum for pre-service teachers that integrates gender equality content.

In 2019, the government with UNESCO support embarked on a project to train teachers and educational staff in gender sensitive approaches.

Using an in-house curriculum program called connect with respect for 12 to 14-year-old learners, teachers were trained on how to prevent gender-based violence in schools.

Mr Chishala said the gender equality curriculum has been beneficial to the learners who are taught how to recognise, prevent and report different forms of violence in schools.

He further said government is working closely with UNESCO under the program dubbed “Our Lives, Our Rights, Our Future”whose focus is to address gender inequality, creating safe and supportive learning environments for all pupils as well as addressing gender biases and stereotypes in educational content and practices.

He stated that, the Ministry of Education is also working with the United Nations in Zambia to implement the Gender Equality and Women’s Participation Initiative (GEWPI) which is centred around the need to enhance existing gender strategies and programs towards a more integrated and strategic approach that responds to gender inequalities and emerging megatrends at global level.

Mr Chishala said under the GEWPI project, government with support from UNICEF is implementing intensified life skills and health education as well as child safeguarding programs in schools in Eastern Province.


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