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Chaila drags Nkana to court 


MIDFIELDER Misheck Chaila has sued his former employers, Nkana Football Club for alleged failure to pay him over K200, 000 being the total sum for signing on fee, gratuity and bonuses.

Chaila in his suit filed in the Lusaka High Court citing Nkana Secretary General Kelvin Mutafu alleged he was entitled to signing on fees K170, 000, K25,170 unpaid winning bonuses and K40, 000 gratuity.

The midfielder stated that he penned a two-year long contract with Nkana on November 16, 2020.

“The plaintiff shall aver at trial that from the contract executed by the parties, he was entitled to inter alia; a signing on fee of K170, 000, net salary of K20, 000 and bonus of K3, 000 for a home or away win,” he said.

Chaila stated that Nkana without justifiable reason, in July 2021, stopped paying him his salary until his release from the club on December 29, 2021.

He added that in August 2021, he resigned from the club as it could not meet its contractual obligations.

Chaila said efforts to resolve the matter amicably had proved difficult, thus, compelling him to sue the club in court to compel it to pay him his dues.


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