
Navigating climate change: The imperative of adaptability and business scale-up

Bernadette Deka-Zulu (PhD Researcher – Public Enterprise)

AS we approach the end of the year, individuals and businesses worldwide are reflecting on the challenges of 2023 while eagerly anticipating the possibilities that 2024 may bring. Amidst this transition, the pressing issue of climate change takes centre stage, demanding a collective global response.

The urgency for adaptability and climate-smart practices has never been more evident, given the profound impacts of a changing climate.

This article explores the significance of embracing climate-smart initiatives, delves into anticipated discussions at COP28, and elucidates the potential business opportunities linked to scaling up sustainable practices, offering insights into a future shaped by environmental resilience and innovation.

Zooming in on Zambia, we examine the nation’s status in adopting climate-smart practices and the existing gaps, particularly the need for supportive regulations to encourage business engagement. The discussion emphasises the critical role of regulatory frameworks as catalysts for change, urging businesses to embrace sustainable practices and contribute to the global fight against climate change.

As we stand at the intersection of the old and the new, this article serves as a compass guiding individuals and businesses towards a more sustainable and resilient future in the face of the challenges and possibilities that lie ahead.

COP28: A global forum for climate action

COP28, a pivotal event that brought nations together to discuss and negotiate climate policies, has already concluded. As a crucial platform for global climate action, it focused on driving efforts to combat climate change.

Discussions centred around enhancing climate resilience, accelerating emission reduction targets, and fostering international cooperation. Businesses played a unique role in influencing and implementing climate-smart practices during COP28, and the event provided a framework for fostering cooperation between governments and the private sector.

The outcomes of COP28 are expected to influence future initiatives and strategies for addressing the challenges posed by a changing climate.

The urgency of adaptability

The urgency of adaptability is particularly evident in various regions of Zambia, where the impacts of climate change are manifesting in diverse and impactful ways.

In the southern part of the country, prolonged droughts have become increasingly prevalent, posing severe challenges to agriculture and water resources. The western part of the country has experienced notable changes in wind patterns, affecting not only local ecosystems but also disrupting traditional livelihoods.

Meanwhile, the eastern part has witnessed a rise in the frequency and intensity of floods, leading to significant disruptions for communities and businesses.

Amidst these climatic shifts, the need for businesses to adapt is more immediate than ever. Immediate adaptation measures are essential for survival, and seizing this opportunity to scale up operations with climate-smart practices is crucial.

For instance, agricultural businesses in drought-affected regions can invest in water-efficient irrigation technologies or drought-resistant crop varieties.

Companies in the eastern part could implement flood-resistant infrastructure and develop contingency plans to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events.

The key lies in recognising that adaptability is not just a response to climate change but a pathway to business resilience and growth.

Businesses that proactively adjust their strategies to align with climate-smart practices not only safeguard their operations against the immediate threats posed by climate change but also position themselves as leaders in a sustainable and responsible business landscape.

In this context, adaptation isn’t merely a survival strategy; it’s an opportunity for businesses to thrive in an evolving climate reality.

Climate-smart business opportunities

The landscape of business is rapidly evolving, and the adoption of climate-smart practices is no longer just an ethical consideration; it has become a strategic imperative for companies aiming for long-term success.

Businesses that embrace environmentally sustainable practices position themselves as trailblazers in innovation and garner favor from an increasingly eco-conscious consumer base. From investing in renewable energy sources to reimagining supply chain management with sustainability at its core, the opportunities for climate-smart businesses are both expansive and transformative.

The strategic benefits of scaling up climate-smart practices extend far beyond environmental stewardship. Companies that proactively integrate sustainability into their operations not only contribute to mitigating their environmental footprint but also establish a competitive edge in a global market where consumers are increasingly prioritising eco-friendly choices.

Moreover, the scalability of these practices opens doors to new markets, attracts environmentally conscious investors, and fortifies resilience against the unpredictable impacts of climate change.

In essence, climate-smart business practices are not just a response to an environmental imperative; they are a dynamic strategy that positions businesses at the forefront of a sustainable and prosperous future.

Zambia’s lag in climate-smart practices

Zambia finds itself confronting a lag in the adoption of climate-smart practices, despite the escalating global momentum toward sustainability.

As is common with many developing nations, Zambia encounters multifaceted challenges in aligning with the rapid evolution of climate-smart initiatives.

The deficiency in essential infrastructure, technology, and financial resources stands as a formidable barrier, impeding the nation’s ability to swiftly embrace and scale up sustainable practices.

Additionally, a lack of well-defined regulations and incentives further complicates the integration of climate-smart strategies into business operations, hindering the country’s capacity to proactively respond to the climate crisis.

To bridge this gap and catalyze change, there is an urgent need for comprehensive policies and cooperative efforts that empower Zambian businesses to transition towards more sustainable and resilient practices in the face of evolving climate challenges.

Regulatory support: A catalyst for change

Regulatory support emerges as a vital catalyst for driving the adoption of climate-smart practices in Zambia. Establishing a robust regulatory framework becomes imperative, where clear guidelines, incentives, and penalties act as powerful mechanisms to encourage businesses to invest in sustainable technologies and practices.

The synergy between the government, private sector, and international organisations becomes crucial in fostering cooperative efforts that create an environment conducive to the integration of sustainable business practices.

By delineating a path through comprehensive regulations, Zambia can not only incentivise responsible environmental behavior but also catalyze a transformative shift in business operations, aligning them with the imperatives of climate resilience and sustainability.

The cooperative approach envisaged in such regulatory initiatives holds the potential to drive systemic change and position Zambia as a proactive player in the global pursuit of climate-smart solutions.


In conclusion, for Zambia to leapfrog its climate-smart evolution, it’s time for regulatory frameworks to step up as the driving force.

Clear guidelines, strategic incentives, and penalties must align in a symphony that harmonizes businesses, government, and international bodies.

The country stands at the intersection of challenge and opportunity, and with the right regulations, it can not only weather the storms of climate change but also emerge as a resilient and sustainable leader on the global stage.

It’s time for Zambia to turn regulatory vision into transformative action, forging a path that not only safeguards its future but paves the way for a climate-smart revolution.

The clock is ticking, and regulatory catalysts are the key to unlocking Zambia’s full potential in a climate-conscious world.



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