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ZANEC proposes surveillance before schools open on Monday


AS schools are set to open on Monday January 29, 2024, stakeholders have expressed mixed feelings on whether schools should remain open or closed with the current cholera outbreak.

Early this month, Government extended the reopening of schools due to the cholera outbreak.  

Speaking in an interview, Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) Executive Director George Hamusunga said it was important for Government and all stakeholders in the education sector to enhance surveillance to ensure that schools were conducive for all learners.

Mr Hamusunga said schools should not be delayed further as this would compromise the quality of education.

He said Government, labour unions, the church and traditional leaders among others should come on board to enhance sensitisation in communities to ensure hygiene.

Meanwhile, National Action for Quality of Education in Zambia Executive Director, Aaron Chansa, said Government should not hesitate to keep schools closed if the cholera epidemic was still not under control.

Dr  Chansa said Government should intensify inspections especially in cholera spot areas as this would help determine whether schools were ready to reopen or not.


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