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Govt launches National Refugee Policy


GOVERNMENT has launched the first ever National Refugee Policy with an assurance that challenges that refugees face will now be resolved.

Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister, Jack Mwiimbu said the policy was coming with solutions to the many problems refugees, asylum seekers and persons of concern face in Zambia.

Speaking when he launched the policy in Lusaka yesterday, Mr. Mwiimbu said he expected the strategy to have a positive impact in integrating refugees in society and their contribution to the economy.

And United Nations High Commission for Refugees Country Representative Preeta Law said the launch of the policy showed how committed Zambia was to allowing refugees integrate and contribute to society.

Commissioner for Refugees, Prosper Ng’andu said the policy seek to make Zambia an inclusive society which would allow refugees, asylum seekers and persons of concern to live side by side with Zambians.

Meanwhile, a young woman, Chance Uwela, who was born at Meheba Refugee Camp in Kalumbila, called on Parliament to pass a law which would grant citizenship to children of refugees born in Zambia.


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