AgricultureHeadline News

Eagle mealie meal not adequate – Chintala

THE Millers Association of Zambia (MAZ) has disclosed that the Zambia National Service (ZNS) Eagle Milling mealie meal is in short supply in some parts of the country.

And MAZ says it is not possible for Eagle Milling to take away the relevance of the country’s private traditional millers because they have a huge capacity to supply and deliver their mealie meal to every part of the country at a fair and competitive price of the commodity.

Andrew Chintala, the MAZ president says the ZNS Eagle Milling was only a special purpose vehicle for government to achieve the offloading affordable and cheaper mealie meal on the market.

Mr Chintala said even with the cheaper Eagle mealie meal on the market, commercial millers had found space to effectively participate because Zambia was a liberalised economy that promoted competition and was attracting investing in the milling industry.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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