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ECL mourns President Geingob

…says the spirit of Pan Africanism is either being sacrificed or traded at the altar of expediency and personal interests, worried that hypocrisy among some of the leaders is reigning supreme


ZAMBIA’s Sixth President Dr Edgar Lungu has described the death of Namibia’s President Hage Geingob as a big blow and loss not only to Namibia but to the entire Southern Africa Coordinating Community (SADC).

“It’s a big blow, a big loss to Namibia in particular and the SADC region in general,” former President Lungu said.

Mr Lungu said news about the death of President Geingob earlier yesterday had left his heart wrenched.

Mr Lungu said he was privileged to share a brotherly relationship with President Geingob, 82, from the time CLICK TO READ MORE


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