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Govt keen to make effective use of PPPs – Musokotwane


GOVERNMENT is ready to navigate ways to ensure effective implementation of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) projects, says Finance and National Planning Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane.

Pointing out some PPP projects in Zambia, Dr Musokotwane said Government has picked lessons along the way since the time it adopted the model.

Dr Musokotwane recalled that the good thing that arose from jumping on the PPP’s model was that a number of projects had been implemented under the initiative.

He said this recently at the closing ceremony of the capacity building workshop on PPPs in Lusaka.

“The most important road the Lusaka to Copperbelt was in bad condition and still in bad condition, faced with this situation we are in debt distress and on top of that some key infrastructure is in bad condition. 

“That is when it became imperative we needed to find other ways of financing infrastructure in the country and PPPs model became a natural choice for us. We jumped at it and did not wait to learn because we if we waited things would have become worse,” Dr Musokotwane said.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.


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