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Mtolo Phiri rebukes Zambians for demonising GMO mealie meal


GOVERNMENT has castigated Zambians for demonising the Genetically Motivated Organisms (GMO) mealie meal being imported from South Africa for onward transmission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), for the product is not a health risk and does not kill upon consumption.

Reuben Mtolo Phiri, the Minister of Agriculture has told Zambians not to demonise the GMO mealie meal and other products on account that there is a certain content of the MGO that is allowed in the country.

Mr Phiri said the GMO mealie meal that was being stocked at Kasumbalesa was not meant for the Zambian market but for the DRC and that Zambians should not be worried about the availability of the South African mealie meal on the Zambian market.

During the question and answer time after delivering his ministerial statement in Parliament yesterday, Mr Phiri said government would soon be stocking all the boarder areas with GMO mealie meal as a measure to secure the Zambian mealie meal from being smuggled.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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