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Speaker Mutti must resign, says Changala 

…for having embarked on a crusade to destroy parliamentary democracy by taking apartisan stance in her conduct as a presiding officer, turning the House into a circus where opposition MPs’ rights to debate are ever curtailed , says Brebner Changala 

…for having embarked on a crusade to destroy parliamentary democracy by taking apartisan stance in her conduct as a presiding officer, turning the House into a circus where opposition MPs’ rights to debate are ever curtailed , says Brebner Changala 


NELLY Mutti is not fit to be Speaker of the National Assembly because she has exhibited extreme partisan conduct in the manner she is presiding over debate in the House and should therefore be impeached and bring sanity and decorum back in Parliament, Brebner Changala has said.

Mr Changala said Ms Mutti has been nothing but a nuisance in Parliament as she has become a surrogate Member of Parliament who has taken it upon herself to conduct her own debate on behalf of the Executive. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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