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The 1964 Barotseland Agreement’s Abrogation


RESOLVING the 1964 Barotseland Agreement is the biggest challenge the UPND government is facing. It’s far greater than other socio-politico-economic challenges from opposition parties.

It’s very obvious that this issue shall not politically be put to rest or wished away as others have been in the past. When defining Barotseland, it should be noted that the original Barotseland included parts of Copperbelt, Central, Western, parts of Southern and North-Western provinces with a boundary at some points spanning across sovereign borders-of-neighbouring countries as evidenced in the map here.

Besides, much of the debate recently centred on Western Province. Indeed, Western Province has remained to be one of the poorest parts of Zambia.

 The fact is that in 1965 the independent Zambian government unilaterally abrogated terms of the Barotseland Agreement by introducing the Local Government Act of CLICK TO READ MORE


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