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UPND inducing by-election to entrench itself – Cosmas Musumali

…claims the UPND is engineering and rigging ward by-elections to create a narration that it is gaining popularity in the opposition strongholds

…claims the UPND is engineering and rigging ward by-elections to create a narration that it is gaining popularity in the opposition strongholds


THE Socialist Party has accused the UPND of contriving by-election in which the ECZ is complicit to make them win and in the process enable top government officials steal millions of kwachas.

Dr Cosmas Musumali the Socialist Party secretary general  says the UPND has been inducing and engineering Ward by-eleactions and rigging them in an attempt to create a narrative that the ruling party has been gaining popularity, especially in the opposition stronghold when the reality is that they have completely lost the trust and confidence of Zambians.

Addressing a media briefing yesterday at the SP secretariat in Lusaka Garden Township yesterday, Dr Musumali said the UPND were engineering all the by-elections that were taking place and rigged the elections to create a narrative that the party was gaining ground even in areas that it was not popular.

Dr. Musumali said the UPND government was wasting a lot of resources in its bid to entrench itself by causing elections which were being contested by itself at a time when the country was grappling with poverty hunger and high cost of living.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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