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Zambians are awake – Makebi

…says citizens are not as gullible to buy into the malicious, nihilistic propaganda against former President Lungu, rubbishes insinuations that the former head of State is against free education


ZAMBIANS are not dull or gullible to buy into the hateful and nihilistic propaganda campaign the UPND, along with its surrogates have launched against former President Edgar Lungu that he is against free education, Makebi Zulu has said.

Mr Zulu says the UPND from their time in opposition have always thrived on propaganda and now that they are in power strongly believe that Zambians have continued being susceptible to their lies and malice against its political rivals.

Mr Zulu said it was unwise on the part of the UPND to attempt to spin and deliberately misconstrue what former President Lungu said about how the quality of education had been compromised by the UPND government in its quest to hoodwink Zambians that it was providing free education.

He said Zambians were not as injudicious as to believe the UPND propaganda that former President Lungu was going to remove free education should Zambians call him back to duty because they were awake to the fact that the former head of State never said that free education was going to be abolished.

He said the UPND and its entire leadership had realised that former President Lungu was gaining monumental popularity following the dismal performance of President Hakainde Hichilema whom Zambians were regretting for having given him the courtesy to govern the country.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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