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UPND split in Parley

…over the appointment of Gregory Ngowani as government deputy Chief Whip, as senior UPND MPs are angered by the decision to bypass experienced, seasoned lawmakers

…over the appointment of Gregory Ngowani as government deputy Chief Whip, as senior UPND MPs are angered by the decision to bypass experienced, seasoned lawmakers


A FACTION among the UPND parliamentarians has emerged following the appointment of a first-term lawmaker, Gregory Ngowani, the Mpongwe Member of Parliament as deputy government Chief Whip, bypassing seasoned and veteran legislators, sources have disclosed.

Bur Stafford Mulusa, the government Chief Whip rubbished claims of a revolt among the senior UPND parliamentarians, claiming that they are united, happy and in support of the appointment of Mr Ngowani as the government deputy Chief Whip.   CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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