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ZNS can’t feed the whole nation – Mweetwa

…says the nation is too big for ZNS alone with its allied milling companies, calls for the need for capacity expansion and to bring private millers on board to resolve the challenge of citizens queuing for mealie meal 

…says the nation is too big for ZNS alone with its allied milling companies, calls for the need for capacity expansion and to bring private millers on board to resolve the challenge of citizens queuing for mealie meal 


THE Zambia National Service (ZNS) with its allied millers on their own cannot produce mealie meal and feed the whole nation and that is why there is need to bring private millers on board, Cornelius Mweetwa has said.

Mr Mweetwa, the Information and Media Minister and Chief Government Spokesperson says the nation is too big for ZNS with its Eagle Milling to produce enough mealie meal to feed the entire nation apart from the challenge of having limited distribution points across the country. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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