Court NewsCrime

Defiler committed to High Court


THE Lusaka Magistrate Court has committed a 28-year-old bus conductor of Lusaka to the High Court for sentencing in a matter he was found guilty of defiling a person with an intellectual disability under the age of 16years.

Appearing before magistrate Mutinta Mwenya was Mofya Chibesa accused of defilement contrary to Section 139 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

Chibesa denied the allegations stating that the victim followed him to his house as he was coming from church.

And the victim’s mother narrated to the court how she found her daughter missing when she had left her in the house.

She told court that on a material day around 17:00hours, she left the child washing plates as she had gone to the market, and when she returned she found the victim missing CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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