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KK is weeping in his grave – ECL


THE founding father of Zambia Dr. Kenneth Kaunda must be weeping in his grave when he sees how most Zambians living in abject poverty, former President Edgar Lungu has said.

In a national address yesterday, President Lungu said the first President’s anguish over Zambia´s poverty predicament is compounded by the wanton rising abuse of human rights and deteriorating rule of law.

“Dr. Kaunda is weeping from his grave today when he sees the country he helped found face abject poverty and wanton abuse of human rights,” he said.

The former Head of State said  Zambians the history of the Southern African nation would be ´incomplete´ without the mention of Dr. Kaunda, his contribution to job and national wealth creation and uniting Zambia which has more than 70 tribes CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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