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UKA warns of civil disobedience

 …State Counsel Sakwiba Sikota wanrs that should the UPND continue frustrating the registration of UKA, the alliance will have no option but to resort to civil disobedience

 …State Counsel Sakwiba Sikota wanrs that should the UPND continue frustrating the registration of UKA, the alliance will have no option but to resort to civil disobedience


THE United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) has warned of civil disobedience should the UPND government continue to abrogate the rule of law, constitutionalism and tenets of democracy.

State Counsel Sakwiba Sikota says it is totally unacceptable, for example that Miles Sampa was allowed to circumvent the law and had fingerprints cleared on 24 October, 2023 all in a bid to facilitate an illegality of staging a coup against the Patriotic Front (PF) leadership while UKA was being frustrated. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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