Biz & CorporateBusiness

Vedanta’s 51pc sale of shares scandalous – Mwenda


THOSE involved in the Vedanta Resources illicit transaction of selling 51 percent of its shares in Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) risk doing jail time after leaving office because the transaction has gambled the country’s assets, Kasonde Mwenda, president of the Economic Freedom Fighters has warned.

Mr Mwenda said in a statement yesterday that it was illegal and criminal for the UPND administration to allow Vedanta to auction its51 percent shares in KCM to International Resources Holdings (IRH).

“Mines Minister Paul Kabuswe’s proposed sell of Vedanta’s 51 percent shares in KCM to IHR which already holds a majority share in Mopani at 51 percent is illegal and CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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