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ZRA foils ethanol smuggling operation in Ndola


THE Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has foiled an extensive ethanol smuggling operation at Bruhati Industries Limited in Ndola’s heavy andustrial area in one of the major enforcement action, which has averted significant revenue loss to the national treasury

ZRA Corporate Communications Manager Oliver Nzala said the operation prevented the loss of K1, 031, 039 million in revenue from 38, 000 litres of illicitly transported ethanol and that the operation which led to the disruption of the smuggling of ethanol began with the surveillance and interception of the truck by Zampak Energy Company Limited

Mr Nzala said during the detailed search of the premises, ZRA officials discovered equipment recently used for unloading and processing the smuggled ethanol alongside various documents and electronic devices that exposed a complex network potentially involving multiple companies CLICK TO READ MORE


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