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Chabinga needs medical attention – Nakacinda


ROBERT Chabinga remains expelled from the Patriotic Front (PF) and whatever he says or does to please his newly-found friends in the UPND is of no consequence and should therefore be ignored with the contempt he deserves, Raphael Nakacinda has said.

Mr Nakacinda, the PF secretary general says it would be silly and folly for anybody to try and pay attention or engage with Mr Chabinga because he is a man needing medical attention.

Mr Nakacinda said as far as he was concerned, Mr Chabinga was an expelled member and he would not waste his time to exchange words with a man whose behaviour was like that of little boy who is excited.

“Under normal circumstances, I would not respond to nonentities like Chabinga because these are people who, even from a distance you can tell that they need medical attention CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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