Court NewsCrime

Amos Chanda seeks to appeal 12 months conviction


AMOS Chanda has filed a notice of appeal in the Lusaka Magistrate court in the matter he was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with hard labor for allegedly stealing the court records.

Chanda, the appellant intends to appeal to the High court against the judgment delivered on May 10, 2024 by senior magistrate Irene Wishimanga on grounds that he is dissatisfied with the court’s ruling.

And in an affidavit in support of bail pending appeal, Chanda who is currently residing at Lusaka Central Prison also known as Chimbokaila stated that he was tried and convicted by the Lusaka Magistrate Court with the offence of theft and was on May 10, 2024 convicted and sentenced to 12 months with hard labour and that of destruction of evidence CLICK TO READ MORE


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