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Bird lands on ECL’s shoulder

ZAMBIA’s sixth President Edgar Lungu on Saturday had rare bird-experience when a little beautiful yellow bird landed on his shoulder while he was chairing the Patriotic Front (PF) central committee meeting in Roma Township.

Out of more than 50 people gathered, the bird had circled around the hall in which the meeting was taking place and finally perched on the left shoulder of former President Lungu.

In utter awe, the central members attending the meeting looked astounded but with glee before Given Lubinda, the PF vice president moved to catch it to check whether it had been injured and in search for an emergency landing.

It was not injured. 

In spiritual beliefs, a bird landing on one’s shoulder could represent a divine guide or angel trying to communicate with you and its presence could be a reassurance that one was not alone in whatever one was going through CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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