Biz & CorporateBusiness

Cotton farmers want price increased to K10 per kg


THE Cotton Association of Zambia (CAZ) says cotton farmers are highly expectant that ginners will buy cotton at K10 per kilogram following the opening of the marketing season in May, 2024.

CAZ executive director John Ngwenyama says the ginners only offered K6 per kilogram last year, despite CAZ’s appeal for Government intervention to set cotton prices between K8 to K10 per kilogram.

“As we enter the cotton marketing season of May 2024, our expectation is that farmers should receive no less than K10 per kilogram,” he said.

Mr Ngwenyama said the rationale behind the organisation’s stance is to incentivise farmers to engage in cotton production actively.

“At CAZ, we are dedicated to revitalising the cotton sector, which will, in turn, encourage farmers to contribute to restoring the sector’s vitality CLICK HERE TO READMORE


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