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Court hears how Muchemwa failed to pay tax to ZRA


THE Lusaka Magistrate Court yesterday heard how Lusaka businessman, Francis Muchemwa, was allegedly making a declaration of no return to the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) in his two companies on pretext that the companies where not making profits.

According to a document named Tax compliance status report presented in court, Muchemwa allegedly failed to pay tax to ZRA despite making profits.

When the matter came up for continued defence, Muchemwa told Lusaka Chief Resident Magistrate, Davies Chibwili, that in 2012, he registered one of his business Fril pub and grill and made gross profit of K6 million between 2012 to 2021.

He said during cross examination that he made huge sums of money from his businesses which he registered with ZRA CLICK TO READ MORE


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