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Government is committed to improving infrastructure in schools – Chembe DC

Chembe District Commissioner Christopher Mwansa says the construction of school infrastructure in the district is a clear demonstration of the government’s commitment to providing quality education to learners.

Mr Mwansa notes that Chembe District has witnessed the construction of many infrastructure in schools which he says will be key in ensuring that children have access to quality education.

He told ZANIS in Chembe District after touring the newly constructed one by two classroom block at Mulilatambo Primary that the government remains resolute to implement projects that will benefit the community.

“There was a lot of demand here for classroom space for pupils to learn well, the introduction of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) has come in handy, it is a clear demonstration of government commitment to providing quality education. We are now witnessing the commitment through these infrastructure.

And School Deputy Head teacher Rabbecca Mwila commended the government for the construction of the classroom block.

“I want to thank the government for the construction of the classroom block that has been done using the Constituency Development Fund, for the past years we were having challenges teaching under trees so we are grateful for this,” she said.

Ms Mwila revealed that the school runs from Early Childhood Education (ECE) to grade seven with 220 learners currently enrolled at the school.

We have 220 learners from Early Childhood Education to grade Seven, the coming of this infrastructure will go a long way in easing the challenges that we faced in the past,” she added.

Meanwhile, Parents Teachers Association Project Chairperson William Kanema also paid glowing tribute to the government for constructing the school infrastructure at the school.

“We are happy with what the government has done for us, our children will now be learning well unlike those days when they used to conduct lessons under trees,” he observed.

Mr Kanema says the gesture will enable more children in the community to develop more interest in school and be able to attain the much-needed education.

“Some years back children were not enrolling in school due to the distances to find the nearest school, now they have the opportunity to be educated since the school has been built nearby,” he said.

Mr Kanema further appealed for an additional classroom block to cater for the ever-increasing enrollment.

“We appeal to the government not to relent but construct another classroom block as the newly built school is not adequate, especially that there is now free education,” he said.

And Chembe Town Council Chairperson Joseph Chisala revealed that the local authority has advised school management to start using the school.



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