Local News

Harder economic times recipe for political instability – Mundubile


THE hard and excruciating economic times Zambians are being subjected to under the UPND administration is raising people’s emotions and if not quickly addressed, could easily trigger political instability, Brian Mundubile has warned.

Mr Mundoubile has advised Zambians to brace themselves for even harder times ahead following the announcement by the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) that it has started rationing water in the capital city on grounds of the electricity deficit the country is experiencing whose resultant effect has been more than eight hours daily load shedding.

Mr Mundubile, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament has also expressed shock that Zesco’s chief executive, Victor Mapani has proceeded on annual leave at a time the country is experiencing the worst load shedding in as many decades CLICK TO READ MORE


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