Biz & CorporateBusiness

HH wants operationalisation of Kasenseli, Lubambe, Kalengwa mines


PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has directed for the immediate operationalisation of Kasenseli Gold Mine, Kalengwa and Lubambe mines, Government Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has said.

Mr Mweetwa said during the Cabinet meeting this week, the head of State directed that the mines need to start operating without fail.

He said, the President feels that when the mines start operating, the country will start mobilising enough resources that will help in stabilising the Kwacha which has continued to depreciate.

Mr Mweetwa, who is also Information and Media Minister and Choma Central Member of Parliament said, President Hichilema wants increased mineral production as this would benefit Zambians. “So, Copperbelt and North-Western provinces are becoming the hive of mining activities CLICK TO READ MORE


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