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Let’s tighten our belts tighter – ECL

ZAMBIANS should tighten their belts even tighter with the latest increase in fuel increase to K36 but if the UPND strongly believes that increasing the prices of gasoline to K40 will make the lives of Zambians better, let them continue, former President Edgar Lungu has said.

And former President Lungu has called on Zambians to resist the temptation of destroying the peace, harmony and freedoms the country has been enjoying in the last 60 years in the face of deep economic tribulations caused by the poor management of the country by those governing.

Former President Lungu says with the latest increase in fuel prices and electricity tariffs when workers across the country are expected to celebrate their International Labour Day, it was his hope that the worst could be over or indeed his fear that the worst is in fact yet to come CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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