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Miles Sampa has no powers to expels PF members – MPs


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) Members of Parliament have submitted to the Constitutional Court that Miles Sampa through his secretary general Morgan Ng’ona has no authority to expel anyone as the extraordinary general conference which elected him as party president was a sham.

Mr. Kasandwe (Bangweulu MP) and Ms. Phiri (Milanzi MP), denied resigning from the party as purported by the faction secretary general, Mr Ng’ona.

This is in a case the duo  petitioned  the Constitutional Court ,challenging their purported expulsion from the party by illegally elected president, Mr Sampa.

Responding to Mr Ng’ona’s arguments that refusal to accept deductions to their salaries amounted to resignation, the petitioners insisted that there was no provision in the party constitution, regulations or Republican constitution that mandated them to pay any money from CLICK TO READ MORE


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