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World Bank cautions on famine


A LOT of pregnant women, including adolescents will be poorly nourished this year with the scarcity of proteins because of the drought that has affected parts of the country, warns Dr Achim Fock, the World Bank Country Manager for Zambia.

And Beatrice Mutali, the United Nations (UN) Coordinator in Zambia says a mother dies every 12 hours, a newly born every 30 minutes and a stillbirth occurs every hour.

Dr Fock says it is anticipated that babies born after the drought crisis, especially those born to adolescent mothers will be at higher risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

“Under the current drought emergency, food crisis endangers health among women, adolescents, and children, especially with financial challenges. There is global evidence that during droughts, transactional sex by adolescents increases, so are forced marriages CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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