
CasimMali issues ‘Prescription’

IT is said that ‘dripping water hollows out a stone, not through force but through persistence, and with that in mind, it is not surprising that CasimMali Praise Malipenga has managed to create a noticeable mark in the music industry with his new song titled ‘Prescription’.
Born Casint Malipenga in Solwezi from Darlington Malipenga and Maggie Kisanga in the year 1992 of August, CasimMali did his primary education at Woodlands’A’ Basic School and later went to Mutanda Secondary School.
“The love for music started in my primary school days while listening to the likes of Tribal Cousins, Namanje, Kelvin Mwesa and Mainza, and in the year 2007 that’s when I gave more of my attention to music,” he narrates.
“I have done several songs and Prescription is my way of announcing my presence in the music industry in 2020.”
Prescription Is a Kaonde love song that narrates a story of a man who after not feeling well decides to go to the clinic for check-ups. Upon Arrival, the Doctor does some vital check-ups on him by assessing his BP and temperature, and after further investigations, results later show that the man is literally sick, love sick.
The doctor then writes up a prescription that what he needs is a wife giving him more love and attention which includes other incentives that spices up a relationship.
“I don’t have an album yet, currently I am still promoting my singles Prescription, Tonight both produced by K-JOE from K-JOE Records and Nifuna Uzibe produced by J Kwacha from Mungu,” he says.
“I am working on the video for Prescription and I want to assure my fans that I am here to stay, and that I will continue giving them good music. My Facebook handle is CasimMali Praise Malipenga.”
Commenting on his name, CasiMali said he got Casi from his first name and Mali from his surname, Malipenga.


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