Desh, sailee plus jane relive Joe Chibangu

ZAMBIAN Hip-Hop pio- neers dESH.DUBS and Sailee Nyondo have reu-nited for their first release in thirty years as members of the then trio called Rap Prophets which also featured late icon- ic Zed music composer and producer Joe Chibangu.
The two have collaborated with songstress Jane Lalito for a special tribute song to remember Joe Chibangu. The eponymous track is simply titled ‘Joe Chibangu’ and is set to be released on Tuesday, 26th April. The song will also feature on dESH.DUBS’ June- bound studio album, “Mata- glap”.
‘Joe Chibangu’ marks the first time the Rap Prophets have assembled since their 1995 self-titled debut album, which included the tracks ‘Take Time to Pray,’ ‘Leaders,’ ‘How Could You Die’ and ‘He Sent Jesus’. This high-flying Joseph Musaga-produced piece sees the two collaborate with another terrific Zambian artist, Germany-based Alec “Chichi” Katapazi, whose flair helped add more polish. Jane Lilato’s vocals tie the contribu- tions of the three together in perfect harmony.
“When I was in Ndola to vis- it Sailee about two years ago
we never discussed music; Sailee even stated that he had given his guitar to his daugh- ter and had ceased all musi- cal activity,” dESH shares. “I never ceased making music and don’t intend to stop any- time soon. Anyway, I began to discuss songs that could fea- ture on my upcoming album (“Mataglap”) with him while he spoke nonstop about how much he enjoyed painting and how he was exhausted by music.”
“At one point, I had plans to collaborate with Jane Lilato; I set up a studio, but it was impractical, so I returned to Europe. Work on “Mataglap” proceeded smoothly. I believe I had completed the projects; the album was nearing com-
pletion of mastering when I thought a track dedicated to Joe would be the right thing to do. Initially, I wanted to do a song but settled for an inter- lude instead.”
dESH explained that while putting down his ideas for the interlude, he pondered the possibility of including Sailee; “I sent him the song, and he specifically responded that I should include a female vo- calist. I immediately thought of Jane Lilato; I then called her and the rest is, as they say, his- tory. I am trying to persuade Sailee to start making music again with at least a few more tracks and possibly an en- tire album to sustain the Rap Prophets name.”
‘Joe Chibangu’ was mixed by Marcel van Ling and mastered by Ivo Statinski in Amster- dam. It serves as the spiritual successor to the group’s 1996 song, ‘How Could You Die’, giv- ing the once-great musician a memorable send-off lovers of his craft will appreciate.
dESH DUBS has been re- lentless in recent years. He has released a stream of singles in collaboration with several other Zambian artistes, in- cluding Shimasta, his Zam- bezi symphony comrade Milz, Ty2, Hamoba and Ariel, ahead of his forthcoming album ti- tled “Mataglap”. ‘Joe Chiban-
gu’ sees Sailee Nyondo join his long list of collaborators, tak- ing anticipation for his next project through the roof.
Joe Chibangu passed away on February 3, 2017, aged 41. He was an Azami award win- ner and a two-time KORA awards nominee. Chibangu was best known for his debut album, “The Ambassador”, a name he would become
known for and other hit songs like ‘Na Bwalya,’ ‘Shibuka (Ka- male)’ and ‘Bana Malama’, among others. Throughout his career, he was a part of many groups, including Rap Proph- ets, one of the first rap groups to gain popularity in Zambia and feature on Sounds Good. Other groups associated with Chibangu include B-Sharp, Melt Down and Yesu Culture.