
Kabwe council, Chamber to produce masks

THE Kabwe Municipal Council, working with the Kabwe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and OM organisation has embarked on a project to produce of reusable cotton masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the district.
Council public relations manager, Waluka Mwaekwa said the making and mass distribution of the masks was in line with President Edgar Lungu’s directive that everyone wears a face mask in all public places as a measure to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the country.
Mrs. Mwaekwa said yesterday in an interview with the Sunday Nation that the face masks would be distributed to all the residents especially the vulnerable and those found in public places to prevent the further spread of coronavirus.
Ms. Mwaekwa explained the face masks would be made in a special way in that they would have a filter inside that increases their durability and were reusable.
“We plan to launch the making and mass distribution of face masks working with the Kabwe Chamber of Commerce and OM organisation to effect the Presidential directive of mandatory wearing of face masks,” said Ms. Mwaekwa.
She said the mass distribution of the face masks would also be scaled up in bus stations and markets so that everyone in the district is protected from the global pandemic.
Ms. Mwaekwa stated that the project would see to it that those that could not afford to buy face masks could access them and protect them from the deadly disease.
She said the project had been necessitated by the shortage of face masks in most of the outlets in the district.
She said the council would soon pass a by-law to enforce the Presidential directive that would prevent people without face masks from entering public places such as markets, bus stations and shops because it was the only way to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Ms. Mwaekwa said OM organisation had already started the distribution of the masks to vulnerable in the district through the local authority.


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