Stop Coronavirus politics
Devoting energies to the Nangula ward by-election got me out of touch with the Zambian social clock but considering the location of Nangula of Nangula ward; definitely not out of touch with reality. How does one get out of touch with reality at such a time as this when humanity without exception is passing through the greatest turbulence in modern history COVID 19? 1187798 cases globally, 68000 deaths?
Like any misfortune, this one has brought together international friends and foe with countries receiving donations from unlikely donors. But it breaks my heart to see the conduct by politicians of our land, as I write this piece I shudder to imagine a society which will be remnant of our time, a generation devoid of morals, opportunism without ethics and intellect without conscious.
According to the UPND, corona virus can be sorted out by simply realigning the fiscal policy. Removing taxes from medical equipment is all it takes to deal with the situation. This simply doesn’t make sense. Come to think of it its government‘s responsibility to buy the medical equipment necessary for use in the fight against coronavirus.. It’s a simple fact that requires no Economics degree that government does not charge itself duty, thus his utterances amounted to nothing.
Duty is a tax that is charged on imports. In a situation where the world is in a lockdown, it’s not the time to promote unnecessary importation of things that though necessary but are available locally and for which demand has not outstripped local production. Bearing in mind that exports have been subdued by lockdowns in our neighboring countries and beyond. Duty on imports is a strategy aimed at protecting our industries in the corona crisis.
Duty on imports is a strategy aimed at protecting our industries in the coronavirus crisis. As good as he tried to sound, what he said was simply neither correct in terms of logic nor public health.
The protocol for dealing with this virus globally is threefold: conduct contact tracing.
On the other hand, Mr Chishimba Kambwili appears to be a big-bodied small-minded slow learner with an over-active ego who seems to believe his hallucinations. For starters, he accused Ifan Yusuf and Dr Chitalu Chilufya of purely none existent -ment of ventilators. This level of excitement is worrisome for someone for someone with presidential ambitions.In his dreams the venti-lation capacity of UTH is 12 patients and almost none existent for the rest of the country.
In Mongu alone, Lewanika General Hospital has an oxygen concentrator that is connected to every bed in the ward. I find it insulting for a man medical matters is limited to be challenging a skilled medi-public health emergency.
Unless you’re a prophet or a witch, you can’t predict the course of this pandemic to present a preemptive strategy is a blunder that many governments across the globe made. This is not a rehearsed crisis or a seasonal bug. Government experts keep on re-evaluating interventions by applying conventional knowledge Simply put, it is a global pan-clueless, textbooks have noth-ing on this one. The money that the Democratic Party spent on buying time on TV could have been better spent distributiing hand sanitisers. The DP suggests the government should be uploading invoices on a public website. It’s obvious she doesn’t un-derstand that public health is a matter of national security that casual with government documentation, don’t embar-rass yourself. But the worst came when the spokesperson stated that her party is looking forward to mobilising in the post coronavirus period and the Public Order Act should not stand in their way! The world is on pause yet it’s just elections on your mind?
Government efforts, the op-position offering solidarity to the efforts of the government which have been applauded as the best in Africa hitherto. Let posterity judge them harshly, those that turned a crisis in politics. Let’s tackle the coronavirus -tics latter. Let’s try to give the experts space within which to noises inspired by ignorance. Exception all the opposition asking for a total lockdown. blaming the resultant hard-Every strategy has to be im-plemented with caution. All of our experts will go a long way in ensuring no emotional to commend the minister of Health for the work done thus far. – GLENN KALIMBWE.