

Dear Editor,
We learn of the recent political deviant behavior by Hichilema’s defacto spokesperson James Lukuku to be an abuse of democracy.
The recent decision for the UPND dominated political alliance to go separate ways with veteran media tycoon Steven Nyirenda’s party, NAREP, is a prophecy come true.
We are on record of having predicted the political shutting of this opinionated association as they have not reconciled their diverse political views. It is becoming clearer that the goal of the alliance is to usher HH to State House and not to offer alternative solutions. We have consistently advised them to harmonize their manifestos but their preoccupation was to be mischief makers.
With the general elections looming, the UPND dominated opposition is not even courageous enough to declare HH their Presidential candidate. They are scared because such attempts will not go well with our older brother Chishimba Kambwili who equally is eagerly itching to lead UPND dominated alliance.
It is apparently clear that it is just a matter of time before Kambwili is shown the exit door. The PF and its alliance partners must not be moved because they have formed a greater alliance with the Zambian people. The UPND led alliance is at the verge if defeat, no wonder the members are slowly but surely disengaging themselves from power hungry clew. There is no weapon that is fashioned against the people centered President Lungu will be allowed to succeed under any circumstance. HH has been a very inconsistent politician who takes sides when it suits him.
This is therefore a call up to Zambian people to appreciate that President Lungu has been a listening President and has given primacy to the voice of reason.
Marvin Chanda Mberi
Youth Rights Activist


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